Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Science of salutary Eating

Quick Weight Loss Centers Houston - The Science of salutary Eating
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Do you know about - The Science of salutary Eating

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There is so much confusing and contradictory facts out there about wholesome eating. I will try to summarize what I have learned as a bodybuilder who wants to stay wholesome as I age. The choices of foods that we can now can have a considerable effect not only on our body shape and quality of life, but also mortality and on how well we age.

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How is The Science of salutary Eating

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The components of whole food.

Foods are made up of many separate components-some are "micro" or smaller quantity nutrients, like vitamins, and some are "macro" or larger quantity nutrients. The three macro groups that originate the majority of our diets are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These three units are the basic materials that fuel our activities and metabolism and enounce body composition. Choosing the best sources and amounts of these three macronutrients may help to minimize metabolic disorders (such as high cholesterol and blood sugar) and forestall loss of lean body mass and accumulation of body fat.)

The best carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates contribute our body's main source of quick energy. After carbohydrates are digested and after some processing by the liver, they are released into the bloodstream as a sugar called glucose to be delivered to the cells.

Throughout the majority of the last million years of our evolution, the human diet consisted of animal carcasses, some seeds, nuts, and fibrous vegetable and fruit carbohydrate sources that are commonly nutrient-rich with lots of water, but are not calorie-dense like processed foods of today. The majority of these carbohydrate sources are vegetables, leaves, roots, and fruits (all rich in fiber). Because vegetable fiber tends to slow down digestion, a majority of the carbohydrates in these foods are absorbed relatively slowly, inducing less blood sugar (glucose) and insulin spikes than processed sweets that consist of no fiber. Some habitancy call these "slow carbs."

It was only after the advent of agriculture that human beings were introduced to higher intakes of grains as carbohydrate sources. Higher intakes of grains deliver lots of calories. Additionally, some grains deliver their sugar energy relatively quickly, especially if the grain is milled (which removes the fiber that slows down sugar absorption), as are the grains in breads and pasta. Unless you are very active and rehearsal adequate to metabolize nutrients more rapidly, this quick glucose publish into the bloodstream can create a dysfunctional hormonal environment that can ultimately promote obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. This hormonal shift also has a profound effect on lean body mass and fat metabolism, and perhaps immune function. The key hormone complicated in this question is called insulin, produced by an organ called the pancreas.

Insulin and insulin resistance.

The hormone insulin is produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar and store it in muscles for later use as glycogen. Insulin's main job in the body is to promote the delivery of sugar energy as glucose to cells. When a small estimate of glucose is delivered into the bloodstream, a small estimate of insulin is produced by the pancreas to accompany it. When there is a large estimate of glucose, the pancreas works to produce a large estimate of insulin to facilitate its delivery so that cells can take in as much glucose as possible. Extra glucose that cannot be taken in by the cells circulates in the bloodstream and can be toxic to brain cells, so under general circumstances, most of it is soon converted into triglycerides (fat) in the liver to be stored for later use. But we have to be faithful with high blood levels of triglycerides, since they are what feed fat cells.

The accurate estimate of carbohydrate sources will contribute adequate sugar to give a wholesome estimate of glucose to the cells, but not too much at once. Thus, levels of glucose and insulin in the bloodstream are not unusually elevated for any long period of time. The pancreas works, but it is not overworked trying to keep up with an unusual ask for insulin. However, in the U.S., much of the diet consists not only of large amounts of high-calorie carbohydrate sources, but also of carbohydrates from sweets and sodas, which are very concentrated sources of sugar. The net effect that intake of these calorie-dense carbohydrate foods creates is a bloodstream that is occasionally flooded with large amounts of glucose, a pancreas that is overworked, and large amounts of insulin and triglycerides circulating in the bloodstream. Note that excess insulin causes increased output of cholesterol.

Over time, these occasional glucose, triglyceride, and insulin floods can cause a decrease in the sensitivity of the cells' response to insulin, which reduces the cells' quality to take in glucose. Insensitivity to insulin is called insulin resistance, and it is a serious observation in metabolic problems. Some Hiv medications can worsen insulin resistance, so we need to be aware of nutritional considerations that can help. Ways to decrease insulin resistance are to exercise, effect a proper diet, and taking medications that improve insulin response. For instance, some studies have found that habitancy intriguing an extensive high-quality diet, rich in fiber and adequate in energy and protein, were less likely to gain fat. This is why it is best to agree the majority of your carbohydrate intake from fiber-rich, slow-releasing carbohydrate sources that do not consist of an inordinate estimate of calories. And these good carbs should be accompanied by good sources of protein and fats.

Combining carbohydrates with protein, fiber, and fat.

Protein, fiber, or fat will slow the absorption into the blood of glucose from carbohydrates, which helps to cut the rise in blood sugar and insulin spikes. So, mixing carbohydrates with protein, fiber, and good fats is one way to cut their problematic effect on blood sugar and insulin. Ensure that every meal and snack you consume has a mix of these three macronutrients. But what are the best fats, protein, and high-fiber carbohydrates sources out there?

Fats and oils.

There are a estimate of separate kinds of fats. There is motor oil, there is butter, and there are considerable fatty acids. The most important oil to keep a Honda running right is not the kind with considerable fatty acids (Efas), but if you want to help your body stay wholesome and your immune principles operating at its best, you had better think getting these Efas on a daily basis. They are called "essential" because your body cannot originate them, and must fetch them from an covering source, like food or supplements. These oils are considerable for every considerable function in your metabolism, including building lean body mass and fighting infections.

The main point is that since we need Efas and other fats for health, we should be getting them in our diets from fresh, high-quality sources. A proper diet reduces the estimate of starchy carbohydrates while maintaining a inevitable estimate of wholesome fats so that there is a separate macronutrient balance than the old high-carbohydrate, high-protein, low-fat diets contained. This means striving to get fatty acids from some sources, the least of which are the saturated fats in butter or animal fat. Understand that saturated fats are not the demons we have been led to believe. When we comprehend that we evolved getting a inevitable estimate of saturated fat from foods in the wild, it is only logical that they would have a place in a wholesome diet. One new study showed that dietary saturated fat and mono-unsaturated fat were related with wholesome testosterone output in humans, while Efas had no effect. So it appears that we need a microscopic saturated fat for optimal hormonal health. However, most habitancy get far too much saturated fat, which promotes insulin resistance and metabolic problems, and not adequate Efas, which are needed for wholesome cells and immune function.

The other important kind of fat that we should consciously consist of in our daily diet is mono-unsaturated fat, which we get from foods like olive oil. new data have shown that mono-unsaturated fats decrease the risk of inevitable cancers, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Fatty acid recommendations.

Efas consist of the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Most habitancy get an imbalance of these two by intriguing too small an estimate of omega-3 fats, which have anti-inflammatory properties, and relatively too large an estimate of omega-6 fats, which tend to promote inflammation when out of balance. To get more omega-3s, eat more fish, including salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, rainbow trout, and herring. Omega-6s are contained in base vegetable oils, like sunflower, safflower, and corn oils. Try to cut your intake of these.

Oils and cooking.

Olive oil is one of the best oils to cook with. You can also cook with high-oleic sunflower oil, avocado, canola, macadamia, or any oil that is high in mono-unsaturated fatty acids.

Avoid cooking with oils made from corn and sesame. These oils consist of more omega-6 fats, and less mono-unsaturated fats, so they have a higher inherent for spoiling and turning to trans-fats, which are bad for the immune system. Try to avoid any intake of these oils when they are not admittedly fresh.

Also, choose oils that are minimally processed. Most of the clear oils in supermarkets are stripped of some of their natural components to make them more favorable for sitting on store shelves for long periods of time without spoiling. Do not use these stripped oils. When you do cook, do not overheat the oil so that it smokes, which causes the formation of carcinogens and destroys the useful fatty acids.

Avoid margarine, hydrogenated fats, or processed oils.

Do your best to avoid processed fats or oils, as they have negative effects on cellular health, extensive metabolism, and your immune system. Look out for the words hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated. These kinds of manipulated fats probably do growth the risk of cancer and heart disease. They also weaken wholesome cellular immune metabolism. Lastly, they are also likely to promote high lipid levels and insulin resistance.

Protein, food for the immune system.

Dairy protein fractions, such as caseine (contained in milk curd) and whey, are at the top of the list of proteins that optimally feed lean body mass growth. In dairy products, the amino acid balances, insulin-raising potential, and extensive growth factor content add up to one thing: milk proteins were created to make mammals grow bigger. While there is a lot of hoopla related to which dairy protein fractions are best, there is more misinformation than reality in this area. Those with lactose intolerance should be faithful in their option of milk-based products. Aged cheeses and yogurt may be more tolerable for those who cannot suck in lactose.

Egg protein.

Next on the list are egg proteins. The important thing to remember is that whole egg is probably somewhat better than egg white for lean body mass growth and extensive condition effect, because the yolk is a rich nutrient source, and its protein content complements the protein in the egg white. Together they are a better source of protein.

Meat protein.

While real food like meat often seems to take a back seat to protein powders because of a mindset created by slick advertising, professional athletes know the value of real food related to lean body mass growth. If you do not make real food and meat fundamentals in your diet, you will not grow lean body mass tissue as well. Fish, chicken, turkey, and beef are vitally important foods, not only because of their protein content, but because they consist of numerous other nutritional components that are important for a wholesome metabolism. The message is: eat real food, then supplement food with protein powder drinks if you need them.

Lean red meat is a first-rate source for lean body mass growth and blood-building nutrients. These consist of creatine, carnitine, phenylalanine, conjugated linoleic acid (Cla), and heme- (blood) iron, the most absorbable form of iron. And meat, in general, is less likely to cause allergic reactions than eggs or dairy proteins, like casein and whey. The only caution about red meat is that the high estimate of saturated fat most market red meat contains could promote metabolic problems. So be moderate about including it in your diet and choose leaner meats if you do.

Important details on meat: cooking kills bacteria in meats. Stewed meat is better for digestion (chicken soup, beef stew). Roasting is okay. Try not to fry or barbecue with charcoal. Charred foods are related with increased risk of gastrointestinal principles cancers. Any cooking of meat or vegetable protein that causes the formation of a hard outer skin renders the protein that becomes the skin to be much less digestible because it cross-links the protein.

Vegetarian diets

It is very difficult to gain lean muscle weight on a vegetarian diet. In fact, it is roughly impossible for most people, especially when they are fighting infections that burn lean body.

If you do choose a vegetarian diet, your best protein sources are beans, seeds and nuts. Digestion of nuts and seeds will be improved by soaking them overnight to cut the enzymes they consist of that inhibit digestion of proteins. If you can eat them without digestive problems, many nuts and seeds are ideal foods because they consist of protein, wholesome fat, and complicated carbohydrates in a very good balance for extensive health. They also make a great snack in the middle of meals. However, the amino acid balances in these proteins do not appear to be optimum for lean body mass growth for humans.

Calcium and vitamin D-two important micronutrients

We know that calcium and vitamin D help to expand bone. Many of us chose to take calcium plus vitamin D supplements, but there are also foods that are rich in these nutrients. Calcium-rich foods consist of milk, cheese, spinach, fortified orange juice (be faithful with the sugar, though!), fish, eggs, and beans. Vitamin D-rich foods consist of milk, most fish, and eggs. However, most of us do not consume the 1000 mg and 2000 Iu needed per day for calcium and vitamin D, respectively, and need to take over-the-counter supplements.

Miscellaneous nourishment tips

- For your food, shop mostly in the outer part of the grocery store where the fresh produce, meats, and milk products/eggs are. Avoid overly processed canned or packaged foods, except for frozen vegetables. Read the labels and avoid products with many preservatives and additives. Trans-fats and hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and high sugar should be on your radar when reading labels. Watch this funny video for more details on wholesome eating.

- Try to eat some smaller balanced (protein + good carbs + good fats) meals or snacks instead of two to three large ones. Smaller meals/snacks are more admittedly digestible, keep blood sugar and insulin more constant through the day, and keep you from binge eating late at night.

- Eat more almonds, walnuts, pecans and pistachios (good cholesterol-lowering fats). Twice a day, snack on such nuts to get your good fats and fiber. If you wish, mix them with some dried fruit. Study has shown that habitancy who eat nuts tend to have lower Ldl cholesterol.

- Avoid junk and fast food. The best way to do this is to have adequate food at home and to bring lunch to work. Cook a lot of food on weekends and ice meals in small packaging you can heat up later.

- Do not sabotage yourself by bringing sweets and junk into your home. Watch your cravings at night, when most habitancy find it the most difficult to avoid overdrinking alcohol or eating ice cream, cookies, and ease foods.

- Eat a large breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a small dinner. Skipping morning meal makes you more prone to overcompensate by eating more fat late in the day. Your body has spent some hours without food and is starved for nutrients in the morning. Do not feed it sugar and white flour products at this important time. Eggs, oatmeal (the type that has no added sugar, and you can add whey protein powder to it!), Greek-style yogurt with nuts and fiber supplements, low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, almond butter on multigrain (high-fiber) bread, and fruit are all good choices for breakfast.

- For lunch have some soup and a glass of water first and wait 10 minutes to trick your body into feeling full faster. Grilled chicken with vegetables, tuna salad over greens and nuts, a Greek salad with sliced steak, and any Mediterranean food choices are good.

- For dinner, fill yourself with stir-fried (use olive oil!) vegetables and lean meats. Two hours before bed, you can have half an almond butter sandwich or yogurt with fruit. You will not be hungry and desperate with this diet!

- Eat fruits and vegetables of all colors. Each has a separate antioxidant profile. The produce section of the market is basically a fresh vitamin branch and a treatment chest. Some foods like garlic, onions, and ginger have genuine therapeutic effects. Eating the widest collection of fresh produce on a daily basis assures you of getting all the ingredients that nature provides that can help keep your body strong adequate to handle bacteria and viruses so that you stay healthy.

- Avoid sodas, sweet drinks, and fruit juices (fruit sounds healthy, but juice contains too much sugar and no fiber to slow down its absorption into the blood). intriguing sugar daily can influence your metabolism, create insulin resistance, make you fat, and have all kinds of negative condition consequences. The recommend pecking order of carbohydrate food sources that hold your condition without increasing insulin resistance follows. Best are vegetables in their many forms. Next are beans and peas. These deliver more fat than vegetables, but the carbohydrates publish much more gradually than grains. Next are whole grains, which are calorie-dense but consist of carbohydrates that, in general, publish somewhat slowly. At the bottom, and the most likely to promote body fat problems, are carbohydrates from milled grains, like wheat and corn. Whole grains are marginally better than processed grains, but when they are milled into flour the disagreement is not that great. The very worst carbohydrate sources are sweets, like candies, which can deliver as many as 2,000 fat per pound. Try to eat from the first group of slow-release carbohydrate sources most of the time, and if you are relatively healthy, you can have small amounts of milled wheat products or sweets once in awhile.

- Drink lots of water. Six to eight glasses a day is a good goal. If you get thirsty, you are already dehydrated!

- Eat a high-protein, complicated carbohydrate-rich meal after workouts. Examples: chicken salad with nuts, cottage cheese or yogurt and nuts/fruit, celery sticks and hummus (chickpea butter), etc.

- conduct your intake of caffeine (it reduces appetite but can growth anxiety). Do not have any caffeine after 4 p.m., since it can impair your sleep.

- Minimize underground sugars like high fructose corn syrup. Read the labels of food you buy. Diet sodas tend to make your brain crave sweets in general, so they are not good substitutes for sugary drinks. Water, water, water!

- If you do not consume at least 20 grams of fiber a day, add to your intake supplements like Citrucell or Benefiber, purchased in any grocery store. Fiber improves insulin sensitivity, makes you feel full longer, keeps your gut wholesome (friendly gut bacteria that produce vitamins love fiber), keeps you regular and reduces diarrhea, and can lower the chances of getting colon cancer.

- Eating wholesome is eating smart, and it does not mean that you should starve yourself. Hopefully, this facts has shed some light on wholesome food sources and how they can influence condition and the bodySo, take payment of your condition and take care of your body. It is the only one you have.

Healthy Eating Shopping List

1. Produce

- Spinach and other green leafy vegetables

- Broccoli and cabbage

- Green beans

- Avocados

- Raspberries and all berries. You can buy frozen ones and add to whey protein shakes

- Whole fruits (remember no juices).

- Sweet potatoes, carrots

- Hummus

- Beans and other legumes (you can buy canned or frozen ones)

2. Nuts, Grains, Oil

- Mix of almonds and other nuts

- Peanut, almond, and cashew butters without hydrogenated oil (the wholesome nut butters show oil and butter separated since the lack of hydrogenated oils prevents emulsification)

- Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

- Wild rice (the darker the rice, the better)

- Whole grain breads and pasta

- High fiber crackers

- Oatmeal (not the microscopic packets; those are loaded with sugars)

- Olive oil

3. Dairy

- Low fat milk, cheese

- Yogurt (Greek style, no sugar added)

- Eggs (free range or Omega 3 enriched if possible)

4. Meat

- Lean meats

- Salmon, sardines and tuna

- Occasional glass of red wine per day (optional)

5. Supplements

- Whey protein (I like the Isopure brand since it does not give me gut problems and it is very light)

- Vitamin D

- A multivitamin (Super Nutrition's Super Blend)

- Fish Oils

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