Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dump the Negative Self-Talk

Quick Weight Loss Centers - Dump the Negative Self-Talk
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Do you know about - Dump the Negative Self-Talk

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Many of us unfortunately face a bully. I can assure you, I faced many in childhood and adulthood. Some of the meanest and most damaging bullies were those I encountered in the workplace. Bullies can do a lot of damage to your self-image and calling on reprogramming techniques can be a recovery grace. The truth is bullying either on the playground, in the classroom or in the workplace can cause depleting damage. And if we begin believing their unkind acts and hurtful words it can honestly destroy us.

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How is Dump the Negative Self-Talk

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Quick Weight Loss Centers.

My caress with bullies in the workplace lasted roughly a decade. Though, the story is quiet enthralling I am not going to share it with you today, however, I'll tell you I felt powerless, overwhelmed, isolated, ashamed, humiliated and ugly. I felt like yesterday's trash! Feelings I had never felt even as a child that knew the feeling that goes with abandonment, abuse and living in environment addictions point is I get it! By using the bully analogy I can help you face a truth about bullying. That being at times we bully ourselves. Don't try to tell me you don't do this. And just in case you don't know what I'm talking about ask yourself these questions. How many times a day do you complain about your hair, your thighs, your wrinkles, your cellulite, your nose etc...?

How many times have you said to yourself, "I'm stupid, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm soooo?" You get the point. To verify my claim I'll share this as a advisor I found this particularly true with those that desire to make corporal changes such as losing weight. The habitancy I counseled daily bullied themselves so much that they didn't need help in lower their self- image. As stated earlier many of them convinced themselves they were bad or not good enough. With this kind of self-talk it's difficult to like yourself and accomplish success. Think about it this way, if you tell yourself you are a failure chances are you will create that destiny. If you tell yourself you can't lose weight, you more than likely won't lose the weight. If you tell yourself you are going to fail the test you more than likely will fail.

The presume for this is that you begin to believe these ideas. Thus, you become your own worst enemy by allowing such negative talk to operate the true you, which sets negative performance in motion. either intentional or not your thoughts become forms of action. You are sabotaging yourself. This may be by way of the business you keep or plainly by your own business of self. It is also my reliance by putting yourself down lowers your standards and by ignoring your strengths you are slapping your God, your spiritual guide in the face. Furthermore, you are slapping your self in the face and those that have come to love you. By allowing other's to operate your beliefs you are insulting and negating any determined feelings that others may feel for you. Now, that's not very nice is it?

So, stop allowing others to bully you and stop bullying yourself and look yourself in the eye and reclaim your awesomeness. Tell yourself ten times a day if you have to that you are worthy, wonderful, witty, bright, beautiful and talented. Do whatever it takes. Just stop the bully! This is why this easy technique is needful in creating change. The inexpressive is being present while doing self-talk. an additional one part of this ingredient is to keep the self-talk in present tense ("I' am..." It is..." etc.) This keeps you in the moment. Being present is best explained as not allowing covering forces distract you. My children both played sports. Both are very competitive and enjoy the thrill of a win, but more importantly they enjoyed their sport.

The ability to stay focused while on the ice, basketball court, volleyball court or softball field required being in the occasion each and every second as well as being fully focused on what was transpiring at the time, at the moment, at that second. They didn't have time for the covering distractions like fans and screaming coaches. They were focused on the game. They were present. This is what helps create winners.

Another example of being present involves communication. Again, I'll use my children, because I think most of us can characterize to this. If you can't characterize then replace children with a friend, needful other or whatever you may be trying to characterize with at the time. After school my children roughly all the time were hungry, full of power and conversation. Many times while in the middle of conversation the phone would ring. A sudden break in conversation would occur. This distraction caused their voice to lower and the sparkle in the eye to dim. When this happened my heart would honestly break. After all they were sharing their day with me and an covering force broke that. The momentum was lost. We allowed the present to be lost. Because this disturbed me I worked diligently in getting the present back by apologizing, finding them in eye and providing them with the knowledge that what they had to say is important. This worked most of the time, because I made sure they heard me tell the someone one the line I would call them back after I accomplished with my kids. This demonstrated to them their importance.

When you are talking to yourself you need to follow the facility of being present. Be aware of you. You are prominent and you have to allow yourself to know that. So, when you are finding at yourself in the mirror or meditating beware of this. Knowledge of this will help you focus and characterize better. It will also help you start finding the spectacular, you. finding you in the eye and being present with yourself is needful if you are to believe in you and your abilities. It also is needful in helping you organize a healthier self-image.

Self-talk must all the time be directed to accomplish your objectives in a salutary and useful way. This means you must all the time direct self-talk in a safe way. This is because the subconscious mind does not know right from wrong and the point of doing this exercise is to help create a better you. What we tell ourselves about our problems will affect our actions and what others say or do to us can be even more damaging if we allow ourselves to believe them.
Earlier I alluded to bullies in the workplace, but I didn't get into many of the details, however, I did share with you that I felt powerless, overwhelmed, isolated, ashamed, humiliated and ugly. In short this is what transpired.

I was a tenured educator at a Montana Middle School with a prosperous work history of nearly ten years. I was approached and harassed in my classroom by a mentally challenged and perilous someone during school hours. His speech and actions caused me fear that I would be raped, or worse. The administration's less-than-positive response to the situation eventually caused me to file a sexual harassment and hostile environment complaint. After manufacture the complaint and following the chain of command within the school ideas with no results, I filed a Montana Human ownership Complaint with the Montana Human ownership Bureau. This was a dual filing with the Eeoc.

Upon returning to work the next school year, I found hard-core pornographic emails on my school computer. When I reported these emails to the proper authorities, their response was that "keep quiet". When I asked them to trace the pornography, the supervision replied that it couldn't be done. As I pressed the issue, the administration's reaction was to try to find a way to get rid of me. They embarked upon a series of accomplished meetings with students and parents in an effort to search for whatever and all things they could use to build a case to discontinue me.

Students were taken from their class for meetings with the supervision and were told to keep the discussions "a secret". While I was never allowed to meet with parents or students to discuss what were obviously fabrications, rumors were rampant. supervision leaks were prevalent although I was continually told to keep silent I also received letters from supervision threatening termination. These letters lacked a basis in fact and were plainly threats.

Such a campaign can take a toll. Admittedly, my teaching suffered. I was afraid to discipline any pupil in fear that such an performance would follow in more accomplished meetings and threats of termination. Grades were questioned. Parents called and met with members of the administration. These meetings were either scheduled for times during which they knew I could not attend or plainly held without notification. I was totally isolated. These are only the highlights of a year of harassment and intimidation. Naturally, my health suffered. At one point, I weighed 90 pounds and my doctor prescribed medication for stress. In fact, he recommended that I take a leave of absence.

When I returned from that leave, my classroom was bare. My personal possessions were boxed. pupil work had been removed, was missing or destroyed. Grades had been awarded in my name that I had not authorized. In response to all of this and other forms of harassment, my union representative said plainly "They can do what they want. They're administration." Finally, I was terminated.

While doing discovery, I learned that members of the Montana Human ownership Commission, members of the school district's law firm, the Montana School Board connection and Montana Teachers Union all had political ties with the superintendent who accomplished me. To make matters worse, he chairs the Board of public Education. All of these habitancy met to discuss my complaints against the administration. These meetings were not publicized and I was not in attendance.

During the same duration in which I was under daily scrutiny and discipline, male employees were allowed to use corporal punishment, have inappropriate relationships with students and drink alcohol on school sporting trips. Other topics brought to the concentration of the supervision during this same duration included the treatment of a Native American paraplegic paraprofessional and her Native American students as well as the use of derogatory names referring to women, ethnic groups and special needs children. All these were dealt with behind accomplished doors. The public was never informed and no other educator lost his job.

Even though I received a settlement, I have been blacklisted and cannot be employed in my chosen career. Sadly, I have lost my passion for classroom teaching and find myself fearful of those who work as administrators in the field of public education. This whole scenario could have been avoided had the school supervision been willing to discuss openly and frankly the events that led to my filing the first grievance. It was filed only after the supervision refused to listen to my concerns and only after I was told to "keep quiet". At one point, the supervision represented me as a hysterical female whose qoute might be "hormonal".

All this was done with union knowledge and while I was under a public Bargaining agreement. The union was in caress with the supervision and was contacted by the administration. They did not protect me nor did they stand up for me. I believe this would not have happened had the Union done their job and not breached their ageement with me. Again, these are only highlights.
This "witch hunt" made life very difficult for my house and I. We experienced financial, personal, emotional and corporal scars and bruises. Some of which are stored away deep inside of each of us, but never fully forgotten or lost.
My files contain mountains of paperwork together with depositions, declarations of truth, notarized documents and exhibits resulting from an laberious legal process that ultimately ended when the Havre (Montana) School District settled two lawsuits - a Federal suit and one filed in State District Court.

The point I am trying to make is that others can cause us to lose operate emotionally especially if are put in a position where we can honestly be sabotaged, manipulated or are in a weak and vulnerable state. In this case, I subconsciously allowed these ugly believes and damaging words to operate my emotions. This was highly dangerous. I went down a path of darkness paved with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and deep depression. This was something I had never experienced. This caress while very horrific forced me to face many truths that laid dormant for many years, something I will not get into in great detail in this book. I am recovery it for another.

This four-year battle, reminded me that in darkness there is light and out of reliance in one's self comes empowerment, commitment, courage and strength. It also reminded me of the heroine, Anne Frank and the introduction in the novel, Anne Frank The Diary of A Young Girl written by Eleanor Roosevelt. These particular statements made a profound impression, "living in constant fear and isolation, imprisoned not only by the terrible outward circumstances of war but inwardly by themselves, made me closely and shockingly aware of war's most evil the degradation of the human spirit. Despite the nightmare and the humiliation of their daily lives, these habitancy never gave up. Anne herself and most of all, it is her portrait which emerges so vividly and so appealingly from this matured very rapidly in these two years, the crucial years from thirteen to fifteen in which convert is so swift and so difficult for every young girl."

The courage and power of Anne Frank and others that faced this persecution should remind us out of evil does come goodness and out of darkness there soon will come light. Don't surrender your power. Turn it to empowerment. Find the Anne Frank in you and have the courage to combat, that which tries to draw you into darkness and break your spirit.
And while I use Anne and her story as an analogy I confess my torment was not as vile and evil as that of the holocaust, it was a battle, which did involve negative, despicable tormentors that tried to break my spirit. The isolation and abandonment along with the hatred and vigor vengeance, which they used in their efforts to operate and destroy me, created self-doubt, loss of self-image and self-esteem. It nearly cost me life, something I hold precious.

And while I was tormented by a mob of bullies, I didn't help the situation by beating up on myself. So, again I implore you to stop the bully and stop bullying yourself. Surround yourself with habitancy that lift you up and help you face truths in determined and supportive ways. Get help from professionals if you need. Do not be ashamed. Stop the denial. Start finding yourself in the mirror and using determined self-talk daily. You are worthy, unique and only get one go at this spectacular, thing we call life. So, face your enemies, your bullies, your battles, the weasels, the wars, and stop whining, suffering and feeling sorry for yourself. Don't allow covering forces and internal battles to clip your wings, to break your spirit. Fight back and reclaim yourself. Face your self and get real, get honest, get enthralling and take performance and tell your self how spectacular, you are. Realize determined self-talk is needful in helping you create a healthier and happier you.

Stop the internal obsessing and take the steps towards resolving your problems. Get help! Help yourself! Take it one step at a time. Please stop the internal beatings and allow the bruises to heal. determined self-talk is not the perfect answer, but it is a start. Choosing salutary self-talk helps to provide you more power to face your nemesis, no matter what it is. It offers you opportunity to help your emotional intelligence and look at the situation with more clarity, because you are not allowing the outward or inward vicious words bring you down. The bully's mission is to make you feel insecure, overwhelmed, ugly, fearful, powerless, unworthy, and ashamed and etc. You need to combat these feelings. You need to take out the fire extinguisher and distinguish the burning ugliness that tries to operate your world inside and out. Take payment and create convert with the help of determined self-talk.
For all practical purposes, self-talk should be simple, to the point, practical, and honest. This is not saying that self-talk can not be utilized to help you create attainable goals.

Simple self-talk is needful in that it provides a clear photo of what it is you desire. It opens the door of possibility. Realizing you are reading this book leads me to assume you desire to be better. Thus you mustn't speak in the negative and only in the positive. Below you will find examples of negative and determined self-talk to help you better understand how to put your thoughts in the determined and present tense. Below these lists you will find self-talk statements, which can be utilized in building a better self-image.

Negative / Positive
I can't do math. / I am capable of studying math.
I can't remember names. / I am able to remember names.
It's going to be an additional one bad Monday. / It's going to be a great Monday.
I'm so stupid! / I am intelligent.
I'm too shy. / I enjoy meeting new people.

Positive Image building Statements

I am special. I like who I am and I feel good about myself.
I am unique and there is no one else like me. That's amazing!
I am glad to be me.
I am intelligent. My mind is capable of learning. My mind is clever, quick and alert.
I am concerned in studying and doing new and dissimilar thing.
I am organized and in operate of my life.
I am kind, sincere, honest and genuine. I am all of these things and more. And all these things make up me. I like who I am, and I'm glad to be me!

Something to Think About:

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to follow is more prominent than any other one thing. ~ Abraham Lincoln

Attitude is defined as the position or bearing as indicating performance feeling or mood and it is our actions, feelings or moods, which settle actions feelings or moods of others towards us and which, operate our success or failure. all things operates on the law of cause and effect.

Something to Think About:
It is our attitude towards life that will settle life's attitude towards us. ~Anonymous
-Good attitudes beget good results.
-Fair attitudes beget fair results.
-Bad attitudes beget bad results.

The truth is we have the power to operate our life. We do it everyday. We are just not all the time aware of it. I'm not saying we have the power to operate life, but the power to create our world. Granted bad things happen. Trust me I have experienced my share. It's what we take from those experiences that are important. It is our attitude that breaks us, that can clip our wings. Each of us has the power to operate our attitudes. We have the power to look at our world as full of color or as beige. I personally went through a beige stage. I even purchased beige furniture. I honestly have no affinity towards beige, so this surprised many of the habitancy that have known me for years. It even came to surprise me. Granted it's neutral and safe, but I have all the time been a someone that likes purple, pink, yellow and green. Plain and simple, I am not a beige someone nor have I ever been.

The point is the color beige has come to symbolism stress, pain and sadness to me. My attitude towards this color has to do with the fact that shortly after purchasing this very dull furniture of beige my life was whisked into a world of chaos, distress and filled with miserable hardships. My attitude towards this color was negative and brought me down. I allowed this color to darken my heart, put me in states of sadness and remind of a horrific habitancy and times. My attitude of living in a beige environment stifled me. It made me feel insignificant and empty. I felt faded and dull. Unable to take me as beige, I decided to buy color paint. To ensure that I followed through I spoke with a good friend that works in the home decorating business. She suggested I take a brush and slap the paint on the wall. " I certify it will empower you." She said.

Taking her guidance I took the bold move and slapped a deep red colored paint on the biggest wall in my living room. Low and see she was right. Just taking performance sparked courage and power I desperately needed to get through the mountains of lies that the defense team made up about me. It changed my attitude. It also helped my attitude towards beige.

The point is I possessed the power to convert the color and more importantly my attitude towards it. Just as I had the power to convert my attitude towards beige you too the have the power to create the convert you desire. It's this simple; you need to alter your connection with yourself. You need to learn to like yourself again. You need to find the someone in you that bring smiles and happiness into your life. You need to convert your attitude about you. You have the power to alter your attitude towards you. I'm not saying that it's going to be easy as a matter of fact I didn't saying whatever about this was easy. It is your attitude towards convert that is key. Try using some of these techniques.

-Talk about that which reminds you of happy times.
-Surround yourself only nearby determined people.
-When confronted with a negative caress see through the darkness and see the determined and light out of it.
-Stand covering and take a look around. Now close your eyes for two to five and hear the whispers of the earth. Gradually open your eyes and see world's beautiful vibrant colors.
-Stand in thanksgiving everyday.
-Do something unexpected for someone prominent in your life. better yet, do something nice for a stranger.

In short, habitancy get a good attitude by conducting themselves with a good attitude. Life is beige only to beige people. Life is dark when we only choose to see darkness. convert your perception, your attitude. Next time you find yourself feeling dull or beige color your world. Use the techniques above. If those suggestions don't work order yourself some beautiful vibrant flowers. Seriously, I do this. My florist just laughs.

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