Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Unconventional Marshall Pitching appeal to a Refined accepted Pitching - Part 2

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How is The Unconventional Marshall Pitching appeal to a Refined accepted Pitching - Part 2

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Although there are a few theories that I happen to agree with, in regards to the Marshall appeal and that is the pronation ideas after publish of the ball which allows the publish of pressure on the elbow and shoulder; but lacks in ample consistency at the point of publish and control. Also I would agree with isolation of the muscles used in the pitching appeal whether it be conventional or unconventional in nature the muscles should be exercised to meet the rigorous operation of the body to elevate injuries. Most of all in this study I have recognized the lack of balance demonstrated in both the Unconventional Marshall appeal and the conventional appeal due to lack of corporal fitness and balancing of the body with regards to the subject pitcher, rather than the pitching appeal or technique of the appeal involved in the study. In this work statistical prognosis has shown that the muscle power of trunk flexors is one of the most essential velocity determinants in analyzed throws (this variable is in all presented equations). There are abdominal muscles: rectus abdominis, external and internal oblique muscles. All these muscles, acting together, are involved in transmit bending but trunk rotation is caused by one-side shortening operation of external and internal oblique muscles. The subject's basic form is good in demonstrating both motions; there is room for revision in all aspects of his delivery. He is noted to have a pre-mature braking operation of transmit momentum. This causes him to publish the ball in an upright posture that places the burden of shoulder capsule stress in the prior compartment. This publish posture is verified by examining the relatively close positioning of shoulders vs. Hips and Left shoulder vs. Center of gravity. Many researchers who have investigated an overhand throw, have indicated that muscle power is a very mportant factor influencing throwing velocity [Pauwels 1978, Pedegana et al.1982, Amin et l.1985, Pawlowski and Perrin 1989, Renne et al.1990, Wooden et al.1992, Bartlet et al.1993, Eliasz 1993, Marczinka 1993]. In this work statistical prognosis has shown that the muscle power of trunk flexors is one of the most essential velocity determinants in analyzed throws (this variable is in all presented equations). There are abdominal muscles: rectus abdominis, external and internal oblique muscles. All these muscles, acting together, are involved in
forward bending but trunk rotation is caused by one-side shortening operation of external and internal oblique muscles. Both types of motions can be observed during throwing before publish [Atwater 1980, Joris et al.1985, Eliasz 1993, Marczinka 1993].

The investigation has some practical applications. There are two main possibilities to heighten throwing velocity, probably in all techniques used in pitching: (1) by improvement abdominal muscles power and (2) by revision speed of external and internal rotation at shoulder joint. [Joris et al.1985, Eliasz 1993]. All these statements need practical verification in the training process. Determination of the muscle torques under static conditions The muscle power was evaluated on the basis of the sum of muscle torques advanced by main muscle groups under static conditions (Isi - isometric power indicator). In the measurements was used the isometric muscle torque stand (local make), which enabled the direct measuring of torques for flexors and extensors of elbow, shoulder, knee and hip joints and flexors and extensors of trunk. Angle positions for all joints were 90 deg (with 180 deg meaning full extension) with the exception of shoulder joint (45 deg). The stand enabled to measure
each group of muscles with simultaneous elimination of the sway of any other forces on the supervene [Jaszczuket al.1987].

Causitive Factors:
Particularly Problematic Unconventional Marshall appeal Teaching Cues:
Point the glove arm right at home plate Consequence: The shoulder line and torso, as taught, is open 30-45º to the driveline from the beginning, minimizing the total rotation ready (power loss) and contributes substantially to poor command/location. Result: Leads to opening the shoulders too early and initiates complete rotational movement of the shoulders and takes away from angular rotation of the shoulders within the linear plane to the target. More mistake happen with this technique due to pre-mature publish of the leading side.
Walk transmit off the mound Consequence: The pelvic line, as taught, is open at march 30-45º to the driveline, robbing power and minimizing total rotation before release; to compensate for this Marshall teaches a 'drop stride' for specific pitches. Result: Bouncing colse to the mound like a cue ball; Center of mass deflects, very inefficient and very inconsistent. Marshall
has now taken an unbelievably involved neuro-muscular skill set and added other layer to the existing appeal formula; this is an extremely poor idea. Rotate the them through and then push off the march foot Consequence: Disrupts timing and destroys sequencing biomechanically. Reality: None of his students do so prior to publish Result: Kinetic disconnect where the body rotates too fast, too soon and this diminishes velocities. Also causes the throwing arm to lag behind...serious prior shoulder qoute waiting to happen. This might work for a slow-twitch, short-stature individual but for a serious athlete with long levers this is a disaster. The drop step regains degrees of pelvic rotation, yet at publish the torso still
has not made up the divergence and the arm lags even further behind. Punch the throwing hand at home plate Consequence: Disconnects the kinetic chain resulting in hand-first movement instead of arm-first movement. Reality: Because the hand leads this severely limits hand speed and resultant velocity. Force incorporate and pull back at publish Consequence: Yanks the lead shoulder open and simultaneously exaggerates torso tilt. Result: After publish the forearm (pronator teres particularly) is now being asked to covenant hard while these muscles are lengthening through forearm extension. This is a designate for muscle tears, improper muscular contraction/relaxation cycle. Additionally this will wreak havoc on the lower back. Likewise results in a heavy head jerk, which destroys control. Driveline for the ball just above the ear simply not true observationally. If the forearm is vertical through publish (highly desirable for spinning the ball is some very innovative ways) the minimum driveline is well above the head. If the body rotates far enough as Marshall envisions, with the forearm driving vertical (the upper arm then has to be close to horizontal) the resultant force is simply a driving forearm arc. Poor control. verily not linear as Mm describes it. Height of the driveline is slightly above the ear. Then why do Marshall's guys have an approximately vertical arm through release?

Unconventional Marshall appeal Teachings and how he describes 'his' mechanics:
"The kinetic chain does not exist." No, in fact it does exist, but the forces generated disconnect the kinetic chain to a point where it's unrecognizable. Again, shoulder distraction forces are exceedingly high because the timing of segment rotations disconnects. In part this ends up proving that some of his power protocols Do work because of velocities produced with the arm only, but there's likely a better and more refined way to utilize the protocol. Unconventional Marshall's appeal as conceived lengthens plate times and makes it very difficult for Lhp's to hold runners on first base. It's now easier for Rhp's to pick to first base but wholly eliminates Lhp's as practical. His ideas about being in a better fielding position/defensive posture are debatable, defensively...possibly. But fielding is now a huge problem, observably. Unconventional Marshall Pitchers create huge flyout forces in the Z axis, in part due to active prolongation of the forearm using the triceps. Dr. Marshall will claim that this is not 'flyout' but rather forearm extension, but the net supervene is the same with essential force expended in Z. What the narrow door and applied angulations theories fix/contribute It's blatantly unavoidable that there is a historic qoute with biomechanically inefficient use of the glove side. In reality this sets in appeal the chain of events that can be related to approximately every major injury scenario. Everyone has conceived using the glove arm as a rotational force. Unconventional Marshall appeal goes so far as to say that it's extremely desirable for use as force coupling, yet observationally we know that it doesn't work in practice. For force coupling to work pitchers would verily have to rotate far enough before publish that they would drive off the march leg. (Not to say that this would be an illegal pitch because the rules clearly state that one step transmit is allowed, not two.) Using the glove-side arm to create downward planar tilt to the shoulder line Before torso rotation occurs ends up being a far first-rate solution, both in ideas and in practice. I will narrow the rotational axis of shoulder rotation providing a more linear Z vector. In ideas this should minimize centrifugal forces. Although there is some Cf generated it's more likely that we can operate this with a more vertical forearm through release, initiated in part by operation of the pronator teres and pronator quadratus. Conclusion: Within a cheap degree of scientific probability, the subject's pitching technique is contributing to an acute overuse syndrome, prior left shoulder.
Recommendations: From a biomechanical prospective, to minimize shoulder stress in this subject's pitching technique, it was recommended that he strive to relax his shoulder and utilize better operate of trunk torque in the delivery of forces from the ground through the hand. He should delay ball publish somewhat until his body is in a more transmit flexed posture and the upper arm segment is skewed more towards a parallel ground position. This will shift the stress point to the first-rate shoulder and away from the prior shoulder capsule. The further body stretch and torque will finally translate to higher kinetic power and faster ball delivery. It was stressed that changing his pitching style from the Unconventional appeal to a more revised conventional appeal will adversely supervene his accuracy and ball delivery capability until he re-adjusts his body coordination. It will be essential for him to work on total body flexibility in order to achieve new ball publish position.

Outcome: The subject after 3 days of work with the more conventional appeal is adjusting to his new pitching style. He is currently pain free and pitching at 100% effort, although feeling that he is only applying 85% of his effort. He is seeing transmit to Spring Training for a second chance. Overview: contemporary technological application of the ideas of Biomechanics can be an extremely useful tool in qoute solving sports rehabilitation questions. The clinician must be ready to make judgments based on objective data, when addressing the issue of returning the injured athlete to his or her sport. Often adjustments can be made in sport technique to de-stress the injured body part, whether on a temporary or permanent basis. In the case presented here, permanent change was essential to allow this athlete to return to his sport and pursue
his dream. during the conventional appeal the appeal direction of player's Center of gravity is consistent with the direction of ball flight, so it has an introductory velocity before release. The results of power assessments (both under static and dynamic conditions) can not be directly compared to others results because the unconventional measurements procedure was applied.

Appendix A: Resources
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